Thursday, January 30, 2014

Revelations from my quilty hiatus

Some interesting revelations my quilty hiatus brought.

Time brings self-kindness. 
The blocks I made that I hated 10 years ago look cute to me now. It's like someone else did them.  Now, I know that if I hate it, I should save it.  Never throw it out.

Fabric lines and fabric manufacturers won't be around forever. 
 I used to love the the lines Lunn/Mrowka produced 10 years ago.  Now they do batiks...just like everyone else.  Meh.  Apparently, my other favorite, Jennifer Sampou, recently returned from her hiatus. Bottom line, if you like it, buy it.  You may never see it again.

Fabric prices exceed inflation.
If I liked it, I definitely should have bought it.  Now I can hardly afford it.

Fabric wasn't as trendy then as it is now.
"Modern fabrics?" Meh.

The traditional quilt books have seemingly all been done.
I don't see many new ones. 

The internet has exploded with quilters and everyone has a blog now.

One yard of beautiful fabric is worth 10 yards of ugly, but discounted fabric
I used to shop the sales and bought things because "they were cheap".  I have quite a bunch of goto fabrics. Those are the Benartex, Kaufman, Hoffman P&B blenders, etc.  I may have bought them on sale, but I bought few of them on "clearance". The ugly fabrics sit on the shelf.  If only I had that money back for beautiful but fewer fabrics....

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